Wednesday 24 August 2011

Shopping Slippery Slope?

Ok so blog number 3.

What better thing to talk about in an eMarketing blog is shopping!

So this week I bought some perfume from Strawberry net (fantastic website).

However while putting my puchase through the checkout I saw a little link saying I could download the strawberry net app for my iPhone.

Now for some people an app like that sounds absolutely fantastic, they can buy as many products as they want wherever they want but for me all I could think about was the potential consequences of having such an app on my iPhone.

One of the first apps I downloaded when getting my iPhone was facebook (naturally). Now I can safely say that I am almost permanently on facebook. The only addiction that trumps facebook in my life is shopping. Within 10 minutes of being in a shoping centre I will usualy have made a purchase. Online shopping tends to be even worse because you spend days waiting for your puchase, getting more and more excited until it finally arrives.

The last app I would download for this reason is the strawberry net app. I would be broke within a week.
This got me thinking even more, is eMarketing and the ease of online shopping leading us into a trap?

Will our already credit dependent, shopping addicted society crumble when it realises that the online puchases must still be paid for?

Having access to just about every product on the planet via a computer has already I'm sure gained quite a few victims around the world. Is the ability to do it via a mobile phone going to make it worse?

What do you think? Could you handle the temptation?


At 1 September 2011 at 06:30 , Blogger Wags said...

Interesting point of view, Alex. Maybe I have more self-control, or is it just that I don't love shopping as much as you obviously do!

I imagine that Strawberry net would be horrified to hear that one of their biggest fans doesn't want to download their app. I wonder if there is some other (less threatening) way they could connect with you online?

At 6 September 2011 at 01:30 , Blogger Alex said...

Yeah the standard email newsletter is getting a little tiresome so the iPhone app seemed like the next step. Just don't know whether it is going to foster some sort of shopping addiction in those that can't say no

At 11 September 2011 at 13:21 , Blogger Brigid said...

Don't forget that because some of these websites won't have a physical presence in Australia, you could technically view it as weakening our own economy... or so Daniel likes to tell me whenever I order off Amazon.

At 12 September 2011 at 21:56 , Blogger Alex said...

True comment Brigid Daniel is very right but tell him that the web offers opportunities as well. I'm sure some people have ordered stuff from an Australian company online and had it sent overseas


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