Sunday 11 September 2011

Conspiracy theorists becomming eMarketers?

So it seems I have a blogging pattern. Something happens that gets me thinking..
This week (naturally) has me thinking about 9/11 and the many many conspiracy theories that surrounds it.
Now I'm not trying to make this a blog about what really happened today because really I don't know what to think about it and like many I cannot commit to one belief.

So, relating to eMarketing made me think about the power of Web 2.0 on the humble conspiracy theory.
The conspiracy theory has outrun the internet by decades if not hundreds of years (lets not forget the old moon landing situation) but has it made it more accessible, has the internet and in particular social media allowed for conspiracy theories to run rampant?

There are literally hundreds of conspiracy theories in relation to 9/11 and I'm sure all of us can name at least 1. Would there have been less if these conspiracy theory websites did not eMarket?

Now their eMarketing strategy is a simple one. The nature of the conspiracy theory is one giant viral campaign and the power of word of mouth is simple enough to allow millions of hits on websites. This begs the question. Does a conspiracy theory even need to use marketing?

In my opinion they do but to a lesser extent when compared to a company because the right conspiracy theory can be so powerful in society that there is no need to prompt a consumer to investigate it. Their natural curiosity compels them. Or is that just me?

What do you think? Even if you do believe the moon landing is real, roswell was a misunderstanding and Kennedy was in the wrong place at the wrong time its still pretty interesting to hear a person's arguments over the net and how they try to voice them.

So my gift to you is the Wikipedia page for the many many 9/11 conspiracy theories. Check out the one on insider trading, not the most popular of the lot but one that makes you think quite a bit.


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