Wednesday 21 September 2011

KLM Surprise? or KLM Stalker?

Ok so Blog post number 6. It's been a while!

In the past few weeks a certain campaign has kept popping up and like most people I'm not sure what to make of it. Here you go;

Part of me thinks ah that's a nice little idea at least they're trying to appear nice to their consumers. What some may not have realised is that the passengers targeted with "random" surprises were those with many facebook friends or twitter followers. Now this is to be expected really .. no successful marketer creates any campaign for a warm and fuzzy feeling it's to make money and the sole aim was to get them to retweet or mention how nice KLM are in an online platform. Smart guys, smart.

Now I can't go through an entire EMarketing blog lately without being a little creeped out by some of the methods companies have used in the online domain. This week it's the fact that KLM openly admitted to stalking the online profiles of their consumers. Just a little bit creepy guys.

It seems like not even a person getting a gift could get over the fact that they knew so much.
It begs the question, what companies are doing this sort of stuff behind closed doors?
How much information are we giving to large corporations without them even having to try overly hard to find it?

Funny how many Australian's were against the identity card a few years back and yet there are so many exceedingly public rofiles on social media sites.

What do you think? Will it only be a matter of time before companies won't need to buy your information, they will just need to do a google search?

And a note to KLM, we may have our information readily available, but finding it and telling us so publicly that you know so much is a little weird.


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