Monday 10 October 2011

Mod(cloth) eMarketing

This week I thought I would talk about a company that has used eMarketing for a while now.

Modcloth is an internet based vintage clothing inspired retailer who ships clothing all over the world from its base in the US. I heard about this website through the most old fashioned of marketing techniques, word of mouth. However, over the past 4 years or so I have watched it evolve. Initially, Modcloth advertised on websites that the target market frequented (such as perez hilton) slowly however it has started to really adopt all forms of eMarketing including search engine optimisation, blogs, internet advertising and social media usage (including a facebbok page with over 300 000 likes)

Not bad for a business that's only been around since 2002.

The best part of this business is it's digital connection with customers through the be the buyer program. This is where potential products are listed on the website and if enough people vote for them they become available. I haven't heard of a business doing something quite like this. Other examples guys?????

Also, the owner Susan is sharing every detail of her life with her customers through blogs (how Richard Bransonesque) down to her pet. This shows the ways that the digital world can really allow that customer connection.

This connection even goes down to a YouTube channel with style tips;

Little suggestion though; maybe show current customers about the channel through the website (I didn't even know it existed until I was halfway through writing the blog and decided a video would be nice).

What do you guys think? Good use of eMarketing or have businesses done better? Is it closer to a miss rather than a hit? Maybe I'm a little biased....

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