Sunday 16 October 2011

You(Tube) and Home Depot

New day new post!

So last time was a bit of an eMarketing miss so I thought that I would talk about an eMarketing hit for my last assessed blog post (ending on a high note). So her is go... most people would know (from movies at least) about the American hardware chain Home Depot....

What people may not know about is the way Home Depot is using social media to connect to its consumers. The most successful of this social media campaign is its YouTube videos. These videos show how people can make improvements to their house without the help of tradesmen. This encourages conumers to do their own repair work and where would they buy all the tools for their new little project? Home Depot of course!

After watching some of them even I wanted to go to Home Depot online and get a new toilet shipped over to Australia so that I could replace it myself but of course knowing me that would end up in flooding the whole suburb let alone the house.

Here is an example of what I'm talking about;

Pretty cool huh?

And the best part is that they use real Home Depot employees in the videos which allows further engagement with consumers. If they see someone from their local Home Depot store on the video it is likely that the positive connections between organisation and brand will be reinforced stopping consumers from switching brands.

So what do you think? Is Home Depot doing it all right? Or should they improve something?

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