Sunday 27 November 2011

Small Businesses Take Note!

Now I have to tell you about how a business is using social media and the web in general to generate sales and really connect with customers. Its name is Jewelchic and is run by Megan Castran here in Melbourne.

Megan uses Facebook, Blogger, YouTube, Twitter, Google+ and many other social media sites I haven't even heard of before! The posts are constant and full of different and interesting content about not only the business but also Megan's life in general.

The best part of this whole eMarketing story is that there are so many marketing lessons within it (well I've thought of 3, can you guys think of more?).

1) Put a face to the small business
Virgin did it 30 years ago with Richard Branson, Steve Jobs did it with Apple and now Megan Castran is doing it with Jewelchic.
Having a face to a business allows customers to really connect to the business, it now has a human personality to it. People are no longer buying Virgin flights, Apple computers or Jewelry they are buying into the owner's lifestyle, a piece of Megan per se.

2) Keep the communication constant
Megan uses her social media platform daily. She finds friends all over the world and is always generating content and conversation. This further creates a relationship between the business and consumers. Think about it this way, if you only try to talk to customers in a quarterly newsletter do you think they will really listen?

3) Use different social media platforms
As much as people would hate to admit it, the sparkle of Facebook will not last forever. In my mind it will be come MySpace at some point in time. Facebook cannot be the only way you communicate digitally. You wouldn't put all of your marketing budget into advertising or PR so why put all of your digital eggs in one basket? As I said above Megan has profile, pages and feeds on just about every social media company you can think of! So when the next one takes off, she already has a presence.

So, after talking about it, it's probably time I show you the social media queen in action but before I let you explore what do you guys think? Should I find an eMarketing miss for my next entry?

YouTube - (Dare you to find my very small cameo in one of her videos!)

Facebook -

Website -

Jewelchic Fitness Challenge -

Twitter -!/jewelchic

Blog -

Google+ -

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At 5 December 2011 at 19:15 , Blogger Wags said...

I'd add a fourth point to your list above:

4. Give your customers a voice. Social Media allows your customers to have a say in how you run your business. Product suggestions, praise and criticism - all directly from your customers - increases their involvement in your brand, hence further builds the relationship.

It's great to see Megan's passion in what she is doing!


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